Archives du mot-clé moment of encounter

György Kurtag – English

Retour au texte original en français: Kurtag – Français



Duration of the instant and moments of encounter

György Kurtag


The sound recordings are by György Kurtag.
The text is a quote from Pr. André Haynal, psychiatrist, psychanalyst, emeritus professor at Genève University, concerning the book by Daniel N. Stern, Le moment présent en psychothérapie : un monde dans un grain de sable, Paris : Éditions Odile Jacob, 2003.


1. György Kurtag – Insectes confinés


“In his new book, Stern talks, as a psychotherapist and observer of daily life, about what he calls the ‘present moment’, what could also be called the blissful moment, during which, all of a sudden, a change can take place. This phenomenon, which the Greeks call Kairos, is a moment of intense interaction among those who do not appear on stage without a long prior preparation. This book focuses our attention on the ‘here and now’, the present experience, often lived on a non-verbal and unconscious level. In the first part, the author gives a very subtle description of this ‘now’, the problem of its nature, its temporal architecture and its organization.”


2. György Kurtag – Résonance


“In the second part, entitled ‘The contextualization of the present moment’, he talks, among other things, about implicit and intersubjective knowledge.”


3. György Kurtag – GriveHarpShort


to make the implicit explicit and the unconscious conscious is an important task of psychotherapies of psychoanalytical (for him ‘psychodynamic’) or cognitive inspiration. The therapeutic process leads to moments of encounter and ‘good moments’ particularly conducive to a work of interpretation, or even to a work of verbal clarification. These moments of encounter can precede, lead to or follow the interpretation.”


4. György Kurtag – Deltal.izi


“These ideas are obviously inspired by research on implicit non-declarative knowledge and memory on the one hand, and explicit or declarative knowledge and memory on the other. These terms refer to whether or not they can be retrieved, consciously or not. The second therefore concerns a memory system involved in an information process that an individual can consciously retrieve and declare. ‘Procedural memory’, on the other hand, is a type of non-declarative memory, which consists of several separate memory subsystems. Moreover, it is clear that non-declarative memory influences experience and behavior (the most frequently cited example is knowing how to ride a bicycle or play the piano, without necessarily being able to describe the movements involved).”


5. György Kurtag – CantorDigit1


“A therapy séance can be seen as a series of present moments driven by the desire that a new way of being together is likely to emerge. These new experiences will enter into consciousness, sometimes as implicit knowledge. Most of the growing therapeutic change appears to be done in this way, slowly, gradually and silently. More spectacular is the emergence of ‘urgent moments’ that produce ‘moments of encounter’.”


6. György Kurtag – TrainTrain


“Stern emphasizes experience and not meaning, although the latter, and thus the dimension of language, plays an important role. For him, present moments occur in parallel with the language exchange during the séance. The two reinforce and influence each other in turn. The importance of language and explicitness is therefore not called into question, although Stern wants to focus on direct and implicit experience.”


7. György Kurtag – SongScratch1


“The problem of interpretation formulated as a hypothesis, whose veracity and heuristic value will be tested by the patient and the therapist, adds a powerful directional influence to the flow of a two-person progression process. Since it is introduced partly based on the therapist’s knowledge outside the session, it forces the protagonists to renegotiate the distance between them. The implication of this process on the frequency and timing of interpretations is a next step in these technical reflections…”